Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Pura Goa Gajah

This temple is located on the western village of Bedulu or about 6 km east of Ubud. In tyempat have caves and pools where pertirtaan following Pura, which contains a shower. The name comes from the cave cave elephant elephant, called a name that was written by a master craftsman in the ejection of State Prapanca Kertagama year 1365 AD The cave is actually a river petani.Goa elephant is shaped letter "T" with a statue of Ganesha is considered the god of science.
Based on the writings of berbuinyi kediri type shahyangsa Kumon and eastern mouth of the cave wall and thought to have originated from relic artifact century XI.Berdasarkan dipura is the peniggalan hinduistis (phallus, statue-wyadari wyadara shower), along with statues peniggalan Busdhiistis (Hariti statues, statue of Amitabha budaha Dyani ), and relief stupa three branches, the religious nature of the complex peniggalan digoa ancient Buddhist elephant Ciwa This place is visited by many wisatawan.Tahun 1993 recorded 303 556 people and foreign tourists visiting the archipelago melihart kepurbaan elephant cave.

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