Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Pura Taman Ayun

Pura Ayun park is located in the village of Mengwi about 18 kilometers northwest of Denpasar and is one of the most beautiful pretending in Bali. Pages arranged in such a beautiful temple and surrounded by fish ponds which was built in 1634 by Raja.Mengwi moment I Gusti Agung Anom. Decorated by Meru - Meru towering and majestic cater for both the royal ancestors and for the gods who bestana in other Pretend in Bali.
Pura Taman Ayun Temple is a Mother (Paibon) for the kingdom Mengwi. Every 210 days, exactly every "Tuesday Kliwon Medangsia" (According to the calculations of Saka) all celebrate piodalan Mengwi community for a few days to worship the Lord with all its manifestations.
Temple complex is divided into 4 different pages, which sa

tu taller than the others. First page called Jaba that can be achieved only by passing through only one gate bridge and pond. Once inside there is a small monument to guard the entrance to his right and there are large buildings (Wantilan) where cockfighting chickens are often held during a ceremony.

On this page there are also monument fountain that leads to a 9 direction of the wind. As he headed to the next page, on the right road there is a complex of small temple with a temple Luhuring Purnama.

The area into three or page into two, its position is higher than the first page to come to this page, visitors must pass through the second gate. Once inside, the view will be on a building Aling-aling "Bale Pengubengan" is decorated with reliefs depict "Dewata Nawa Sanga", (9 Gods guards direction of the wind).
On the east side of this page there is a small temple called Pura Dalem Bekak, whereas in the west corner there is a towering Kulkul Hall.

The area to the four or the last page is the highest and most sacred. Bight of the most central door will be opened at the moment there is ceremonies, where the outside entrance to the statues and other ceremonial equipment. While the Gate is on the left kananya is to go out daily activities at the temple. Pages have some towering Meru with various sizes and shapes. Three pages of this temple symbolizes the three-level world cosmology, from which the bottom is the place / world of humans, to a level that is more sacred the place bersemayamnya the gods, and the latter symbolizes Heaven berstananya place of God Almighty. As told in ancient story Adhiparwa, the whole complex of temples depict Mount Mahameru that float in a sea of milk.

This temple destroyed by the great earthquake that occurred in 1917 and did not get restored until 1950. Candi moment and monument to a height of 16 meters in the inner pages are built according to architectural temples of Java, while the small temples which form the seat of stone fruit is numbered 64 megalithic era monument to commemorate the ancestors of the knights who died in war.

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